Bioscience in the 21st Century
Welcome to our Virtual Classroom
One of the components of the HHMI-sponsored undergraduate bioscience education program at Lehigh has been the development of a public-accessible, introductory survey course, “BioS 10: Bioscience in the 21st Century”. A major goal of the course is to communicate the importance of a systems-driven, multidisciplinary approach in bioscience. Several contemporary issues (e.g., obesity, infectious diseases, cancer, stem cell biology, advances in cell biology and medicine, genome-based medicine, neurophysiology-related topics, bioinformatics, interfaces between organic chemistry and biology, advances in engineered biomedical systems, advances in bioimaging, social/ethical considerations) are discussed. Lectures are presented by faculty from different disciplines in order to highlight cross-disciplinary perspectives on fundamental problems and potential solutions in bioscience. This course is envisioned as the initial tool for shaping an intellectual approach to bioscience that routinely values interconnections among disciplines and reduces/eliminates the tendency to compartmentalize learning “by subject.”
A second goal of the course is to provide scientific literacy for non-majors and the public. Students who are not formally registered for the course are encouraged to attend lectures based on their interests. Course materials including the syllabus, all videos of lectures, and PowerPoint presentations are available on the web with full access for the entire Lehigh community and interested members of the public.
Click here to view lectures presented from 2007 to 2015
Click here to view lectures presented from 2016 to 2018